【Update Information】 |
23.5.16 ”3. Education and Training” has been updated. |
23.2.24 New page was released. |
Research Integrity
Open science is the basic principle for promoting the creation of science, technology, and innovation, and it is necessary to continue to drive forward international joint research with diverse partners.
At the same time, in recent years, there have been concerns of damage to the values, such as openness and transparency, which form the base of the research environment, and the danger of researchers unintentionally falling into conflicts of interest and commitment due to the new risks associated with internationalization and increasing openness of research activities.
Under such circumstances, it is indispensable for us to develop an internationally reliable research environment to promote necessary international cooperation and exchange while protecting the values forming the base of the research environment.
Tohoku University has established the following system to ensure research integrity.
1.Research Integrity Management System
Research Integrity Management System
2.Regulations(in Japanese only)
Regulations for Ensuring Research Integrity at Tohoku University(in Japanese only)
3.Education and Training
Research Integrity Training Course for FY2023 is under preparation.
Please refer to the Education and Training (internal only page) for past Research Integrity Training Course materials.
4. Various Notices [On-campus only] (in Japanese only)
Please refer to this page (internal only page) for internal notifications.
※Please refer to here (internal only page) for the notices for international research activities (case-by-case).
Research Integrity (*link to Cabinet Office website)
For inquiries, please contact
<Consultation Service>
E-mail: research_integrity[at]grp.tohoku.ac.jp
Note: Please replace [at] with @.
※If you have any concerns about the risks associated with research integrity due to the internationalization and openness of research activities, or if you have any questions about this system, please contact us by e-mail.
Office for the Promotion of Research Compliance, Research Promotion Department
2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577, Japan